Letter to the Editor

Roger C. Kostmayer

UKRAINE: Walk and Chew Gum

The US is facing simultaneous threats in different parts of the world, and it can’t take its eye off any one of them. These include the Putin/Russian invasion of Ukraine, ISIS, China’s aggressive expansionism, Syria, a nuclear Iran, North Korea and multiple manifestations of Muslim extremism. Lack of clarity, failure to build effective coalitions or even the appearance of appeasement, could invite even greater threats.

One critical element that’s often missing in hotspots like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria is a majority that will rise above selfishness, corruption and sectarian animosity, and fight for an inclusive government. By contrast, Ukraine is courageously fighting a Russian invasion against enormous odds with little military help from the West.
Unlike most of the ME, Ukraine’s patriots are doing the fighting and the dying and are only asking for support. The invaders shamelessly pour troops and advanced weapons across the border, while denying it, and they have yet to apologize or make restitution for killing 300 innocent airline passengers Russia is responsible for blowing out of the sky. It seems unconscionable for the West not to provide assistance to Ukraine in the form of communications, anti- air and antitank weapons, intelligence, ammunition, drones, cyber weapons, training and advisors (and an invitation to join the EU) in order to send a message both to Putin and Ukrainians fighting for their sovereignty.

The message to Ukrainians is that with unity and courage there is hope and the world supports you; to Putin the message is that, regardless of short term military results, the price you’ll pay for Russia’s brutal land grab will be high and will last for generations.

Roger C. Kostmayer
Sept. 10, 2014

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