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Letter from the Publisher – Guy deBoer
Dedicated to Serving the Community
The Konk Life philosophy is that a publication must seek to continually improve and evolve to serve the needs and tastes of its readers. Many of you have been with Konk Life since we published our first issue, and have witnessed our growth from a small community publication into a comprehensive newspaper. Today, because of our ever-growing coverage of news and local events, Konk Life has become a “must read” local publication.
Our staff of talented writers, photographers and graphic designers have worked diligently to create a powerful and polished newspaper.
Over the course of the past two years, Konk Life also welcomed two other former Citizen writing professionals, food and wine columnist Steve Calderwood and news writer John Guerra. Today we are proud to offer our readership reputable, experienced columnists and investigative news reporters, movie reviews, and a focused venue for local news, sports, business, education, government, lifestyle, health, ecology/environment, community/philanthropic, theater and arts information.
Today, in addition to welcoming our newest high caliber contributors, Mark Howell and Ralph Morrow, I want to take the opportunity to personally thank you, our readers and advertisers, for your support. It is your confidence in Konk Life that has allowed us to grow and evolve, and we look forward to your ongoing commitment.
Please help us spread the word of our expansion to your friends, family and the businesses you frequent in the Keys. The Konk Life team has the talent, the vision and the desire to serve our community. As Publisher, I am committed to the vision of Konk Life as a modern 21st century newspaper, dedicated to the community and focused on content that is pertinent to our lives here in Key West and the lower Florida Keys.
Guy I have not been getting the blast for the past two weeks
you clicked the UN-subscribe. You need to re-sign up
Congratulations on adding an Events Calendar! Let me know if you would like the Arts Council to share with you more Cultural Events submitted by artists throughout the Keys…
Yes, please.
Why the Celsius instead of Fahrenheit for the weather report?
Very sorry for the mistake… corrected moving forward.
Guy…there’s a problem with the link to the June 5th soft copy issue.
ok working on it
Recently a couple of local papers have published articles about a neighbor of mine who has lost his home. One article declared his family as “pillars of the community.” Another article named him “neighbor of the week.”
With the number of arrests and the criminal history of my neighbor and his family it is hard to understand them as being portrayed as pillars of the community.
A few months ago a good number of neighbors signed a letter asking city and county officials to do something about the activity and condition of his property. So it is hard to understand how he can be neighbor of the week. People should know the whole story before they feel charitable towards him and his family.
812 Carsten Lane
Guy: I downloaded the version of Google that was released 6/4/14 and it made no difference. Konk Life is still only 1/2 page wide and in the middle of the screen. I’ll ask my tech about it soon and see if he can make it better. I’ll still read and enjoy in any case.
Maureen Bramlage
Please put me on your mailing list – Thanks – John
Greetings and congrats on the developments at Konk Life and – always a joy to read the paper and online articles about our community and its characters. I wonder if, in light of the passing of our dear Sir Peter Anderson you might consider consolidating all 8 articles from the brilliant Mark Howell’s recent series in one place online so they are easier to find. I was only able to catch a few of them in the papers as they were published, and would love to be able to read through them all. Thanks much for your wonderful publications. Cheers, Dolly
If you type “Peter Anderson Story” in the search you will find all the chapter/stories.
Mr. de Boer,
Thank you for having the integrity as a news medium to pursue an investigative story on the SUFA/Monroe County litigation. I appreciate all too well the risk involved in challenging Monroe County and I have received several comments from readers who appreciate Konk life for doing so.
Is it possible to record political spots at your radio facility? Send me an email about that. Thanks.
yes, call the office 296-1630
Isn’t it time to add Solares Hill to KonkLife?
Sorry… but today we’re better than Solares Hill
Stay tuned to a separate pullout entertainment section… still to be named.
I want to tell Ralph Morrow that his column “Drums have their own life” made me smile. We recently drove from Key West to Grand Haven, Michigan (1700 miles each way) and I’m sure we saw several thousand “Bob’s Barricades” throughout Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, etc. I can’t swear that they had the “Bob’s” label, but they sure looked like the hundreds that do, throughout the Keys. Every highway with construction had the barricades for miles!! I even recommended to our investment adviser that he might want to check on the stock value of the company that makes them!! Last year in the local’s parade for Fantasy Fest, was a group that marched as BOB and his team of Barricades!! I wonder where all the barrels go when they leave a road project like ours. . .
Guy–I work at Royal Furniture and am active in KW Sunrise Rotary. In 2013, I took 1st place in the KW Mystery Writer’s Contest. I guess it paid off! My publisher is releasing my thriller novel, Drone Games nationwide Tuesday October 14. I’m debuting it at a signing @ Uva 519 Fleming from 6-9pm. I’d like to connect with Mark Howell for an interview. May I include Konk Life on the press release list?
yes please send us the info.
Just wanted Joel to know that I love the book “Drone Games”… It’s been a great read! Congratulations! I’m looking forward to your next work!
I appreciate Pru Sowers’ story on the unsuccessful affordable housing project Habitat for Humanity proposed using the Mortgage Settlement Funds to acquire and renovate. It must be pointed out that Habitat’s primary mission is to create affordable home ownership. We have 35 families that own their homes, many for less than the cost of renting a comparable home. The 24 affordable rental apartments that Habitat has fulfill an important need for safe, decent and affordable housing. We renovated those properties with minimal displacement of the folks living there. Our plan on the Fleming Street project was not to displace the long term tenants. Pru’s article might create the mistaken impression that rental projects are “the norm” for Habitat for Humanity.
Have you considered offering a digital version of the photos you sell?
not yet, if so hte pricing would properly be the same, less the production cost.
Dear Mr. deBoer,
Is there an email address to which I can send a press release for Konk Life?
Thank you,
Genevieve Roberts
[email protected]
I am a conch coming home on my 69th birthday – by bicycle! 1600 miles – 36 days.
How can I email you?
[email protected]
Guy: I really like listening to the noon interviews but am not always available to listen to them at broadcast….do you archive these interviews? Can I listen to them after broadcast?
Thank you, Janet Hinkle
Sorry but no, not at this time we do not.
i have tried to get konk life e blast but never receive it. i had been getting it. i resigned up by no luck.
please add me to the list. when out of town i miss seeing the news thanks
Guy, I stopped getting the blast about 4 days ago. Do I have to sign up again or is there something wrong?
Love Konk Life! Depend on it for where musicians are playing. Like that print editions are online, but wish they showed up there the day the paper comes out. It’s Sat eve & this weeks still not up. Help!
March 6, 2016
We don’t know the exact reason that pet store sale of rabbits was banned in NY and LA but after fostering 2 fluffy white rabbits for the past 2 months we have learned that they are not ideal pets for children.
Of the 29 rabbits now at the FKSPCA, many were purchased from pet stores as a child’s pet. These rabbits come from breeders who are in the business for profit. They are typically sold as babies but given up when their behavior changes or the kids lose interest. This is just not fair to the rabbits. Nor is it fair to the FKSPCA and the wonderful people who donate their time and money to help all the animals. Cute as they are, rabbits cannot be handled like a cat or dog and can easily be hurt if picked up improperly. Being at the bottom of the food chain, they will bite and scratch and even drop dead of a heart attack from fear; a sad situation that we experienced while fostering a blind wild bunny in Louisiana. Rabbits need daily exercise and companionship. Life spent alone in a cage is no life! Outdoor rabbits are at risk from heat and predators.
They can be a wonderful and fun pet for folks who are settled and live in a calm environment. Those from the shelter are all neutered and litter box trained so allowing them to run around the house when the owner is home makes them good candidates for apartment living.
So please do not buy a breeder raised bunny for your child at Easter. The shelter has lots of adoptable bunnies. They can tell you everything you need to know about caring for rabbits and help you decide if a bunny is really right for your family.
Lynda Schuh and Frank Herdliska
841 Cherokee St. Sugarloaf Key Fl 33042
have note for Wilkowsky from 70’s PH employee? need email or other address
Love your magazine!
I like your magazines it is always interesting and informative. However she really needs someone to proofread your articles the grammar and syntax are awful. I wonder if anyone reads these articles before they’re sent to the printer. In addition I do not understand Steve Azar ramblings of Christina Oxenberg.
How do we subscribe for home delivery?
Don Williams the artist is hosting a fee art show of his nativist art work at Fort Zachary Taylor this weekend. Show hours are Friday and Saturday 9-4. Sight impaired people are most welcome as this is unique sculpture art.
I love reading the blasts every day with morning coffee.
Question: I notice adds like, Fringes ‘Gin Game on the front page almost every day.
How can I do that and what does it cost?
Best, John Baird
I am sure that the real estate grid is sent to you by KWAR but the last several published had glaring errors in both the list price and sold price columns
I love the addition of the photos of old Key West!
With so much change in virtually every industry, the only constant is quality and engaging content. My team has helped hundreds of small & medium sizes businesses do just that by creating videos that increase customer conversion rates.
We’ve even created niche market videos including dozens in your field. Simplify your pitch, increase website traffic, and close more business.
Should I send over some industry-specific samples?
— Claire Holstein
Email: [email protected]
Website with samples
I have just paid a subscription as an annual subscriber. I still cannot see the whole paper. My email is: [email protected]. Account name: Susie
Please go to our website
log in with your user name & password
you should see your subscription level, free or paid
logging in will give you access to your selected level of subscription
I’m sorry for any diffiucalties
Guy deBoer
Hi Guy
When I go to my account it says I subscribed twice and though you reassured me earlier I’d appreciate your checking into this again and confirming by email. Keep up the good work and thanks,
keeps saying I am out of free articles…think it is 10 free articles a month? signed up 4/24..should it not reset on 5/24 to 10 more
please give me a call 305-766-5832
Thank You Fred.
I am not able to get my 10 free articles per month. Why not?
Call me after 9am 305-766-5832
I subscribed but it says I haven’t— can you give me a hand accessing the content.
call me on Monday morning 305-766-5832
I am a subscriber but am unable to open articles. I have done the pass word trip a couple of time but it does not work
Please check your account this morning. Everything should be corrected.
PLEASE CEASE & DISSIST sending the 2:00 AM — NON-REQUESTED & NON-WANTED emails each morning!!
you subscribed, just unsubcribed
A very faded / beat up Konk Life plastic distribution box showed up on Passover Lane a couple of nights ago. Can you all pick it up? I’m guessing it is not meant to be there.
I am insulted by the photo of Santa for the women’s club business, If they will not hire me for Holiday event photos they should not use my photo. Just saying…
Call the club, settle any misunderstandings
I’m trying to subscribe and it says my email is invalid.
What can we do to make it happen?