Letter to the Editor / UTOPIAN MORALE BOOSTER 

By Roger C. Kostmayer

There are many things over which we have no control.  Life delivers great news and bad news in roughly equal measure.  Generally, positive, hopeful and forward outlooks are the best way to handle life’s vicissitudes.  So, to cheer up the many who are depressed by current events, following is a therapeutic scenario that is possible – but not entirely likely.

The crystal ball shows the President and his administration continuing to indict themselves by tweets, TV and actions that clearly do violence to the law, the Constitution and to our best traditions.  The President will be impeached and convicted; more than 50 senior officials (including Secretary Pompeo, Attorney General Barr, so-called personal attorney Giuliani, and VP Pence) will be indicted and most will join the former members of the administration now in jail.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be sworn in as the first woman President, and she makes Senator Elizabeth Warren the first woman VP who, subsequently, becomes the second woman President of the US.  The current rush by Republican Congressmen to retire increases Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate in 2021. Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh’s impeachment for lying to Congress leads to Judge Merritt Garland’s appointment to the SC, and shortly thereafter Judge Ruth B. Ginsburg’s retirement leads to former President Barack Obama becoming the 9th SC justice.

The fourth administration in the 21st century, President Warren & VP Buttigieg, sweeps into office on a moderate and unifying platform that focuses on producing bipartisan solutions and reforms for all Americans.  The Warren administration is universally characterized as competent, honest, transparent and responsible for the rise in international acclaim and respect for the US. And they actually do drain the swamp.

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