Letter to the Editor / Letter to emerging pathogens expert Dr Morris on Nimmo panel for today at press convention that Dr Nimmo will address

Hello Dr Morris.

I am one of dozens of physicians serving the Key Haven, Florida area whom petitioned Oxitec for study of the risk of their genetically modified mosquitoes promoting and spreading antibiotic resistant bacteria on our patient’s homes. Tetracycline was called an old and minor antibiotic by Oxitec spokesman Dr. Derric Nimmo. His company intended the release of 14000000 GM mosquitoes on two small streets over 22 months. Having patients in this area I and others wanted to know the risks to our patients with impaired immunity. We asked Oxitec to culture the Adult, to-be-released GM mosquito and factor in any resistant organisms into their release plan. We asked to study the resistance’s spread through the human population of the test and control areas with nasal swabbing. Dr Barry Kreiswirth of Rutgers-NJ Medical School offered to genetically define any resistance discovered on the GM mosquito. I was faculty at the school for about a decade. Fingerprinting the resistance and comparing to the locally found resistances before and during the trial. Tracking if the GM resistant bacteria reach humans in colonization or illness.

The concern being antibiotic resistance is a plague we fight now.  Are we pouring gasoline on one public health threat to address another (Dengue, Zika,etc).  Oxitec is fielding Med flies, diamondback moths, etc using the same tetracycline technology. Are they endangering our patients?  Where is the risk/benefit analysis if we cannot have the data?

I know you sit on a panel with the Oxitec representative Dr Derric Nimmo tomorrow. I ask you to query him and would appreciate your thoughts in this matter

Thank you for your time

John Norris MD

598 Southard Street, Suite 103

Key west, Florida 33040

(305) 509-2753

[email protected]

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