Monroe County School District Students Serve in Communities Overseas

MASAYA, Nicaragua – Students and staff from Horace O’Bryant and Key West High School received a unique teaching and learning opportunity to travel to Masaya, Nicaragua, for a service trip in coordination with local non-profit, One World One Canvas. The group of service trip members had the chance over Spring Break to work with people in the town that may have been physically, mentally, or economically challenged.

Volunteers aided in art workshops, equine therapy, and hydrotherapy, as they worked alongside the people of La Concha and San Juan de la Concepcion, of the state of Masaya. Not only did the service trip members facilitate activities for the children involved, but they also received intensive Spanish lessons, a Nicaraguan culinary class, and salsa dance lessons.

Other groups connected to One World One Canvas have traveled to Haiti, Kenya, Costa Rica, and Cuba. Trip coordinator and teacher at Horace O’Bryant Middle School, Leslie Whalen, said the trip offers an experience to a group of service-driven students that is truly unforgettable. “It’s an adventure of a lifetime to leave our tiny island paradise, if only for a moment in time, to meet others who so desperately need to know that the world cares for them. As a Key West educator for the past 22 years, I have been blessed with teaching thousands of children. Having the opportunity to see some of them show their commitment to helping others is a dream-come-true.”

Many organizations and individual sponsors helped provide financial help as well as gifts for 100 Nicaraguan children. Whalen says everyone who participated is thankful for the wonderful supporters from the community. Students from both Horace’OBryant and Key West High School participated. The Monroe County School District serves approximately 8,600 students throughout the upper, middle, lower keys, and Key West.  The accredited school district consists of ten public schools, six charter schools, and alternative and virtual schools. For more information about the school’s mission and vision, visit

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