Letter to the Editor / CARROTS and STICKS / APPEASEMENT or PAIN

Roger C. Kostmayer

Every US President takes an oath to protect our nation from enemy attacks, foreign or domestic. The US Dept. of Justice, the Special Prosecutor and a Grand Jury just indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for cyber attacking the US and trying to pervert our 2016 Presidential election. The Russians supported one candidate, hindered another and helped create chaos and division.

History shouts what the US should NOT do after such an attack, and that is to reward the attacker. The last thing this American President should do now is attend a private one-on-one meeting with Putin, in his backyard, especially without a full staff present and a public record of all discussions. To do so under current conditions tells the world the US is naive, weak and it’s president must be a Russian pawn.

Putin is a KGB thug, responsible for attacking the US, other democracies and: militarily invading neighbors, shooting down a civilian passenger plane, occupying Crimea, enabling Syrian President Assad to kill women and children with chemical weapons, and murdering people in London.

This confirmed attack is a serious national security issue, and it plays into Putin’s hands for us to make it a partisan squabble. The way to stop Russian attacks and prevent future intrusions is to make Putin and Russia feel sufficient economic and multilateral pain and isolation as to deter such acts. Unfortunately, the US President seems mysteriously determined to do just the opposite.

The US needs to shift the focus from partisan bickering to anti-Russian American unity. The vehicle for a successful long term solution is a distinguished, bipartisan independent commission that would oversee prevention and protection.

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