Astrologically Yours

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Aries: Just because you “know” something does not mean that everyone can “see” it the same way. They must come to their own conclusions. Practice what you preach, live what you teach. Go with the flow, share what you know. Let go.

Taurus: You can’t seem to move forward with a relationship/partnership, and there is no way to go back. Honest communication is the key. There are some things that were not considered or brought out. Do that now, let go.

Gemini: Emotionalism is “not” your cup of tea, and boy is it boiling over all around you. Putting fires out is not your forte either. What can you do? Somebodies got to be in control. It might as well be you.

Cancer: Ain’t love and taxes grand? You never know where you stand with either and yet can’t seem to live without them either. Confusion is easily rectified, just ask a direct question, refuse to settle for less than the unvarnished truth.

Leo: Which do you value the most, the scholar, or the lover? You’ve tried having them both, how’s that working for you? The truth won’t just set you free, it can knock you out. Nobody likes to feel lied to.

Virgo: Those fine print details get you every-time, yes, they must be handled immediately, strategically, and factually. Do not try to “fudge” anything. It will surface, believe me. Everything will work if you follow this completely. Do all the required footwork.

Libra: So many decisions, so little time! Why don’t you ask yourself; “What can “I” handle completely all by myself without any help “if” something goes wrong?” Cross all the rest off your list, or list them as potential possibilities, only!

Scorpio: You have a bucketful of issues and no professional you have contacted seems to have any answers. Settle down, get a grip! Remember; Nobody knows your situation better than you do. You’re the Director. Put your blueprints on the table.

Sagittarius: Taking responsibility for your own life, values, wants, needs, are as close to reality as the energy you put into making them stable from the foundation up. If you have done that, you’re realizing the dream, if not, losing it.

Capricorn: Things that don’t remain flexible break. Hard-core control kills. Practiced rigidity will cause long term problems. Loosen up, live a little, be as open with intimacy as you are with friends, and your whole world will be a lot happier.

Aquarius: Careful what you say and to whom, when, where, and how. There are those who are just spoiling for a fight and looking for a reason. You are in the position to be that example. Better a little caution now.

Pisces: Impatience kills things faster than anything on Earth. Careful, you’ve laid your foundations, know your values, and needs, present them accordingly, to the proper authorities. The facts. Gossip, should of, could of, would of, been’s, won’t get it. Reason will.

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