Astrologically Yours

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Aries: Impatience will get you nowhere except frustrated, better to withdraw from the technicalities of business and concentrate on enjoying the intimate pleasures of the personal realm. Allow yourself the luxury of complete self-indulgence with the fringe benefits.

Taurus: Feeling good, allowing relaxation to flow through you. The dreams of yesterday seem the reality of today. Immerse yourself and expand, open your heart and let the sunshine in. If you have legal questions now is the time to ask.

Gemini: Tough decisions require immediate actions. Jointly held resources can get caught up in legal situations. Be sure to read the fine print. If you need help do not hesitate to get it. You cannot do it alone, delegate.

Cancer: “You can’t live on love and chicken pot pie” The trap is baited, if you don’t “see” beyond the instant gratification you have the most to lose. Open your eyes. What is the reality of this situation? Who is false?

Leo: Doing something really unique, different, and mentally stimulating, can really open your eyes to the possibilities, blowing away the cobwebs of confusion of a situation with “Aha” moment awakenings, creative actions speak louder than miserable words.

Virgo: Why does someone else have to be wrong in order for you to be right? Are you that insecure in what you know is real? Where is this type of competitive madness leading you? Jealousy’s most bitter allowed free rein.

Libra: “Careful of your words make them nice and sweet ‘cause someday your words you may have to eat” Powerful feelings are wonderfully inspiring, unless you run roughshod over everyone else by overextending your own limitations at their expense.

Scorpio: Words have power, the imagination is limitless, however, sometimes even these must be given a rest. Listening is an amazing learning experience. If you are constantly thinking, or talking, you are not learning or growing. Listening well is learned behavior.

Sagittarius: Not paying attention to lessons experienced in the past, is an instant invitation to repeat them over and over again each time a bit more intense, into the future, until you do get it. Pay attention to your life experiences.

Capricorn: A friend may inspire your interest as a lover, the feeling is strong between you. What are you afraid of? Your imagination is triggered and there is a need to share your thoughts. Get a notebook. Write it out.

Aquarius: Words are powerful. Be aware of yours, people are listening. This can be a really good thing, opening up channels, and making long term contacts. However, there can be those in high places who are offended, utilize tact, and sensitivity.

Pisces: Dreams are vivid especially when you absolutely refuse to allow reality to have any part in what’s channeled. Consciously blinding yourself to the truth will not make it go away. Take some positive actions now to insure your future.

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