Astrologically Yours

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Aries: Details will get you everytime. Pay attention, it is necessary to question, research, follow through on every aspect of what you are personally, business-wise, and monetarily doing. It will not take care of itself. That is your job responsibility.

Taurus: Negotiations may require a little more of your attention. There are some blaring questions that need addressing, something just doesn’t “feel” right. Trust your gut instinct. Discussion is best, getting all of the players on the same page and focused.

Gemini: Sometimes letting go of a situation or a person, or a group, can be hard to do. Try to remember the reasoning behind why you did, before you find yourself back-tracking into the same old “Id” again, moving forward instead.

Cancer: Real partnerships demand commitments, common interests, groups, friends, communications, interacting with extended family members; you are either ready for this or not. It is a two way street, demanding work and compromise, both sides through the middle. Nothing just happens.

Leo: Frustration, extended meddling, anger, aggravation, oh yeah! Why not stop trying to control work and business situations completely as a whole, practice going with the flow, allow yourself to dream the perfect situation? Keep your eyes wide open, be ready for change.

Virgo: Ask the right questions, accept the truth, stop living the illusion, act accordingly. What are you waiting for? It is your life. Are you going to live it or throw it away blaming everyone else for your lack of courage?

Libra: Boggled plans, frustrated feelings and energies, what you want competing with what you need, to build your own foundation, firm your base. It is not your Mother’s world. This one belongs to you, deal with it on your own terms.

Scorpio: “Life gets tedious don’t it”? You’re the one who chose “the road less traveled” would you really let anyone run it other than yourself? Stop your whining and plotting revenge. Nothing will be put on your plate you can’t handle.

Sagittarius: When did you stop being a “Knight in shining armor” and become a maladjusted in contempt, overgrown brat?  Accept responsibility for your own life, and do the work. Putting your nose to the grindstone working with others is the answer.

Capricorn: Wavering, “dust in the wind” where’s your faith in human nature? How “you” feel is what matters. Life does not come with a guarantee. It comes with options. Isn’t it time you utilized yours? Your friends have missed your sterling qualities.

Aquarius: To move or not to move? You vacillate. You already know the answer. It doesn’t matter where you go, but you can’t stay here. Better to begin to move into the future than to drown in the indecision of regret.

Pisces: You stand emotionally in a house of mirrors flitting from reflection to reality, refusing to accept the truth of the situation you are in, stubbornly holding onto what might have been. Let go before you destroy yourself, determine your future.

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