I am a daily reader of your “E News Blast KONK Life”. I enjoy the local coverage of Key West and the Keys and your reporters and writers are top notch. However, if one was to come from another dimension and had no prior knowledge of our political system of two parties, they would read your publication and assume there is only the one Republican party. Everyday, Trump this, Rubio that. Come to think of it, though, these folks from another dimension might already be familiar with Ben Carson… The loud and obnoxious kids in the classroom always got the attention and sadly they have grown up and become right wing politicians.

I am just a lowly citizen of this fading republic, but I have eyes in my head and I see a distinct slide to the right of the fourth estate as they dutifully copy and paste rightist dogma from the “Head Office”. When KONK Life jumped into the local Key West news arena I thought, great, now that fish wrapper, “The Alabama Citizen”, has some real competition. Nope.

Please, prove me wrong.

Alex Symington

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