Vietnam War Veterans’ Day

During this week’s regular meeting, the Key West City Commission recognized the service of the armed forces by proclaiming March 29th as National Vietnam War Veterans’ Day. The commemoration also salutes the contributions by American citizens and highlights the technology, science, and medical advances made during the war.

“We, as a grateful city,” reads the proclamation, “recognized the 36 local individual names etched on our Vietnam Killed in Action Monument at Bayview Park.”

In addition, the commission and the community thank and honor the more than 400 Key West men and women who proudly served, and whose names are etched on the Vietnam Living Memorial.

“We hereby pledge to bring home the 52 Floridian service members still missing in action,” reads the proclamation.

Throughout the Vietnam War, 9 million people served our country, more than 58,000 gave their lives, 304,000 were wounded and 1,600 are missing in action.

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