Vehicle burglaries 103mm

Sheriff’s deputies are still completing reports for at least 13 vehicle burglaries that took place in Key Largo overnight.

All the vehicles were left unlocked; very little was taken from them – some cash, sunglasses, a purse and some medication. The vehicles were all in the vicinity of Largo Sound Village at the 103mm of Highway U.S. One. They were parked on Jewfish Avenue, Shoreland Drive, Bonefish Avenue, Marlin Avenue, Transylvania Avenue.

Detectives will be investigating. In the meantime, the Sheriff’s Office would like to remind everyone to always lock your car doors and never leave valuables inside. Frequently, criminals will simply walk down a residential street trying vehicle doors to see if they are unlocked. They will simply move on from those that are locked and will rifle through unlocked vehicles looking for cash and other valuables to steal. This type of crime is very easily preventable.

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