Theatre XP offers Streaming Videos of Playwright Bob Bowersox’s original plays

Key West’s TheatreXP, in partnership with Smith River Films, will offer streaming videos of the original hit plays of Key West playwright Bob Bowersox beginning May 1st.

Access to the plays can be through or through TheatreXP’s website at

Rental revenues will be distributed to each play’s actors and crew as residuals.

Plays available are: PERSON OF INTEREST (originally produced November, 2012); MOMENT OF GRACE (November, 2013); THE POETRY OF HEARTS (November, 2014); THE RETURN (November, 2016); and UNDER THE HUNTER’S MOON (July, 2018).

Also available is FRESH INK SHORTS, a collection of original plays penned by Bowersox, Melody G. Moore, and Neal Ruchman, originally produced July, 2018 as part of Summer Stage that year. All productions feature top Key West actors.

Bowersox, who founded TheatreXP ten years ago and serves as its Artistic Director, has filmed every production the company has mounted.

“As someone whose whole life revolves around theater, I found myself really missing the magic of the stage,” Bowersox said. “And I’d been hearing the same thing from a great many other folks, in town and out. It suddenly occurred to me that I own these plays, can do what I want with them without infringing copyrights, and the technology exists to allow access to HD quality films of them no matter where you are.”

Bowersox also realized he had a way of helping his fellow actors and stage crew in these financially-difficult times. He will distribute “residuals” to them based on the rental revenues collected from each play.

“I’ve been getting regular residuals from the films I did years ago, so why not do the same thing here?” Bowersox said. “It’s not expensive to rent the plays, but it might make a bit of a difference right now to an actor or stage manager who has to pay rent or want to buy a beer.”

Each play can be rented for only $10, which will allow unlimited plays over a three-day period, much in the same way Netflix or Amazon rents their movies online. Once the charge has gone through, the renter will be given a URL address for the specific film, and a password that will unlock the play for the specified time.

The plays can be viewed on a computer, a Smart TV, an iPad, or a mobile device, as long as you have an internet connection. They are all in 720P HD resolution and quality sound.

“You may not be able to go to a theater right now, but we’ll bring the top-quality theater to you,” Bowersox said. “I hope people enjoy the plays, for the first time or the tenth. It will be great to see their life extended in a way that might help others.”

To access the plays, visit For more information, call visit, call 302-540-6102 or email at [email protected].

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