Partisan State Government Is Taking Over Bipartisan Local Government

By Roger C. Kostmayer

American democracy dies when an authoritarian state government destroys local elections and the ability of local governments to protect the health, welfare and quality of life of their constituents. Sadly, that’s exactly what Florida’s governor and his party are trying to do to Key West.

Reporter Tim O’Hara’s front page article in The KW Citizen (January 29-30, “State bills with local impact pass senate”) spells out the lurid details.  Regardless of party preference, KW and Monroe County citizens will suffer if the Republican bills become law and local governments are castrated.  But, you might ask, won’t our locally elected representatives stand up and protect us?  Our Florida Keys state senator, Ana Maria Rodriguez (R), voted FOR the two state bills and AGAINST local government, which would prevent KW and other communities from effectively passing local ordinances.  Even keys state Rep. Jim Mooney, a Republican, called the bills “catastrophic” and potentially “devastating” to local governments.

 Voters should fire state senator Rodriguez, for betraying them and nullifying their votes, as soon as possible.

If you aren’t outraged by these anti democratic and unconstitutional attacks on your community, you aren’t paying attention.  The increasingly sinister influence of dark money, lobbyists and big (cruise ship and other) corporations is taking something very valuable from you, and it’s time to stand up.

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