Letter to the Editor / THE END OF OBSTRUCTIONISM

Roger C. Kostmayer
Landslide Democratic victories across the country on November 7 suggests 2018 may be the year of the woman.  The enthusiasm and determination of voters, the women who stood in the rain waiting to vote, were saying “enough” Trumpism, racism, incivility, divisiveness and attacks on our affordable health care.  The change in this political tide is now coming from the bottom up, but articulate Democratic leaders will emerge who are committed to serve the public interests.
The Clinton era is over and many of the new leaders are women, minorities or both.  Senators Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker are examples, and they will be joined by many others who can attract, recruit and help elect good candidates at every level.
The message that unifies the big -tent opposition party has to be more aspirational than “A Better Deal” or anti-Trumpism.  It must be positive, pragmatic and based on values like truth, trust and the people – and imply working across the aisle when possible to solve our nation’s problems.
The way to make America even greater is to reinvigorate Americans’ belief in E Pluribus Unum – out of many, one.
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