In part to fight off depression and TV fatigue caused by recent political events, I went to a majestic old movie theatre in Baltimore, The Senator, where I saw Bogie and the beautiful young Ingrid Bergman in – Casablanca.

World War II (when the Germans were invincible and terrifying); sublime romance and the haunting sound of “A Kiss is Just a Kiss”; and the motley collection of good and bad international characters, all made for a fabulous tonic.

Everyone in the film (even Nazis, gendarmes and bar flies) were immaculately dressed, and everyone (even Nazis, gendarmes and bar flies) had courtly manners. The actors not only knew how to drink, smoke and kiss with impressive authenticity, but you could hear and understand their every word.

Perhaps a bit like our current state, the early 1940’s was a huge challenge of values but, like this wonderful film: love, courage, nobility and intelligence carried the day against great odds.

At the end of the film, most of the characters listened to their better angels and rose to the occasion – even tough guys with broken hearts.

See you at the flicks,

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