Letter to the Editor / Synopsis of Romero Feb 6th Community Meeting and Questionnaire Responses

Dear Community Members,

I apologize for the delay in putting together and getting out to you the synopsis of our community meeting held on February 6th. I have previously tried to have the synopsis out to you within two weeks.  I hope you will be understanding of the delay. I spent many hours in research and data preparation, as well as question preparation, for two major recent items – the amphitheater item and the use of a City Hall property for $1.00 per year as a commercial kitchen.

The city did not feel the obligation to notify the surrounding neighborhood of the upcoming agenda item regarding the use of a property for a commercial kitchen in their midst – so I personally delivered 500+ flyers to the neighboring community of City Hall to provide awareness of the agenda item so that the community would be able to provide their input – whatever their input might be. Yet, another reason for this delay. I hope you are patient with me for giving attention to those items.

I remain committed to trying my best to make your government fiscally responsible, accountable, and transparent.

At the end of the synopsis is documentation showing the anonymous responses which the attendees provided to the questionnaire that was distributed.  Not everyone who attended the meeting chose to complete the document, but the results are for those 103 persons who chose to provide their opinions.

I thank you for your interest and encourage your future participation and input.


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