Letter to the editor/ STRANGE BEDFELLOWS: The Trans Pacific Pact (TPP)

By Roger C. Kostmayer

Trump and Bernie are both wrong to vehemently condemn the TPP international trade agreement; Hillary and both Vice Presidential candidates (Democrat Tim Kaine and Republican Mike Pence) were actually right before they all were wrong by opposing it; and President Obama and Speaker Ryan were, and still are, correct to be pro – trade for the good of the nation.

The details of any trade pact should be clear before making a judgment, but there are several reasons why TPP should be supported.  First, like it or not, globalization is here to stay and the US should lead in seeing that there are international rules that are fair and reflect our values.  We have to play to win. Secondly, most economists agree that jobs, the economy and economic growth are the fruits of this multinational accord.  And, third, national security vis a vis China is an important part of TPP.  Additionally, fair trade is very good for millions of poor people around the globe.

When the Pacific countries, that account for 25% of the world’s GNP, establish mutually beneficial rules and regulations it will be a big improvement for the US, which has been playing by its enlightened rules unilaterally while other countries haven’t.  US consumers will also enjoy lower prices and better goods and services, while US workers will see net job increases and the economy grow faster.  Yes, the US will lose some jobs and those individuals and companies adversely affected should receive assistance as they transition into the 21st century.

China doesn’t want to play by international rules because they prefer to use their size and military threats to extract advantages from smaller Pacific neighbors in one-on-one negotiations.  The US can’t leave a vacuum for China to fill or encourage its aggressive expansionism in the South China Sea. Therefor, a TPP solution is essential.

There is a history of politics producing bad economics and bad national security, but killing TPP would be among the worst decisions ever.

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