Letter to the Editor / SHOULD KW BE A SANCTUARY CITY (SC) ?

Most of the public comments printed recently about this subject have been critical of Commissioner Jimmy Weekly’s suggestion that being a SC would reflect KW values. But my unofficial and unscientific sampling suggests that Key Westers are unclear (or incorrect) about what SC means.  When citizens grasp the generally accepted concept of being a SC, it appeals to their better angels and a majority of responders are supportive.

Essentially, a Sanctuary City is one that adopts a policy of protecting undocumented and harmless refugees or immigrants. This is usually done by refusing to prosecute or persecute such non-violent immigrants as “dreamers”, students and those serving in the military – many of whom were brought to this country as infants or children.
The Sanctuary City designation is usually a community decision to avoid using tax payer money to enforce what many see as unfair and harsh immigration laws, and to avoid the illegal policing and profiling inquiries that became notorious under Sheriff Arpaio of Arizona.
If this is what Jimmy Weekly and other commissioners mean by Sanctuary City, they should be congratulated and supported for reinforcing our “One Human Family” values.
Roger C. Kostmayer
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