Letter to the Editor / IT’S REALLY SIMPLE

The American public is under attack from both RUSSIA and an avalanche of misinformation, LIES, propaganda, conspiracy theories and puerile tweets.  Both threats use simplicity to great advantage – “WE are great, THEY are rapists, murderers and spies”. And it’s true that lies go around the world before truth can get its pants on.

Perhaps simple lies can be confronted by simple truths: The Russians attacked, and are still attacking, America.  Our leaders in the White House and Congress failed to punish Putin appropriately, or protect our 2018 elections. Should we hold both the attacker and the enablers accountable?

If Russia is the first simple issue, and is clearly guilty; then Trump and his administration is the second simple issue and common sense can determine guilt.  Put aside the complex and confusing legalities for a moment, and the fact that a half dozen Trump campaigners have already pleaded guilty, and ask yourself two simple questions:  If you were Trump or part of his campaign and were completely innocent, what would you do? Of course, you’d tell the truth, cooperate fully and make every effort to prove your innocence and be exonerated as quickly as possible.  But, what would you do if you were guilty? You would probably do exactly what Trump, his minions, co-conspirators and President Clinton did – lie, obstruct justice, attack the investigators and the media.

It’s really that simple.  Russia and Trump. Guilty and guilty.

If simplicity doesn’t move you, listen to Republican Senator Flake’s recent speech at Harvard, read newspapers, change leaders, put country first and try to be more inclusive.

Roger C. Kostmayer

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