Letter To The Editor /  Flint And Infrastructure

By Roger C. Kostmayer

Americans are dying needlessly because bridges are tumbling, tunnels are crumbling, trains and tracks are unsafe, highways are in disrepair and children are being poisoned by tap water in Flint, Michigan.  If increasing deaths and deformities aren’t sufficient motivation for Congress to act, what about the economic benefits of a comprehensive investment in infrastructure that would significantly raise all boats?

Most issues, especially in an election year, have two sides – the pros and cons.  But infrastructure has only one side because failure to address our dangerous decline to third world status is a disaster, while major investments would generate both immediate and long term national benefits.  Investing in clean air and safe water; mass transportation; bridges, tunnels and highways; airports and seaports; sustainable energy independence; and technology and communications, would enable the US to compete globally, create jobs, stimulate economic growth, attract employers and entrepreneurs, improve the environment and our national security.

The only question should be how to pay for an up front investment in our future, even though the return over years will far exceed that investment?  The two most obvious funding sources for what could be $1 trillion over 10 years would be a gasoline tax and/or closing indefensible corporate tax loopholes (like subsidies for giant oil companies that benefit from infrastructure and transportation.)  A gas tax of $1.00 would generate $100 billion annually and help stimulate alternative energy sources, incentivize mass transportation, and reduce climate damage during a period of dramatic mileage increases for automobiles, thus mitigating any negative economic impact on individuals.

America needs to save lives, produce jobs, grow the economy and invest in a better future.  How can Congress, governors and the people they’re sworn to serve not see that investing in our infrastructure is a critical bipartisan necessity?

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