Letter to the Editor / CHARACTER FLAWS

By Roger C. Kostmayer

It’s hypocritical to call out bullying, public humiliation of subordinates, and similar character flaws in the leader of your opposing political party, while defending similar actions and flaws in candidates from the party of your choice.

Good leaders, managers, executives and parents can explain why it’s a fundamental principle to praise subordinates in public, but only censure them with civility in private.  Doing the opposite is especially problematic where the victims are vulnerable public employees who are serving (and being paid by) tax payers.  Staff should not be abused or treated like personal slaves.

Recent events have raised the question of whether the gender of either the perpetrator or the victim in these situations should be a controlling factor – and I think the answer is “no”.  No subordinate human should suffer public humiliation, and no politician should be free to abuse public employees with impunity – regardless of party affiliations or gender.

Whether, what many consider to be, character flaws disqualify Senator and presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar is up to Democratic primary voters, but CHARACTER should be an important criterion for candidates at all levels in light of its absence in the current POTUS.

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