Letter to The Editor / BERNIE, IT’S TIME

After a remarkable campaign and significant contributions to an issue- oriented Democratic primary, Senator Sanders is risking becoming either a joke or a tragedy.

Monty Python had a comedy skit in which a heroic knight, like Sanders, scoffs at his attackers, refusing surrender even as he’s hacked down to just his head.  In a similar vein, a contemporary comedian imagined a 2018 White House press release reiterating President HILLARY Clinton’s respect for Senator Sanders but declining to comment on his demands if he agreed to concede the 2016 primary race.  Timing is important.

Every day Sanders refuses to get on the team, to acknowledge that he lost his bid for nominee of the Democratic Party fair and square and by a big margin, his right to make demands of the party to which he only recently pledged allegiance decreases.

The 2016 presidential election is not a joke, though it’s sometimes hard to tell.  Bernie would destroy all that he and his movement accomplished if he joins Ralph Nader in the infamy of those who sabotaged their principles and their country’s welfare due to ego and hubris.

Roger C. Kostmayer

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