Letter to the Editor

Board Members:

The Florida House of Representatives is banning all texting while representatives are legislating, e.g. committee meetings, floor debates and so on. The concern is that representatives will be secretly, unduly and inappropriately influenced by those with a vested interest.  That strikes me as an excellent idea.

I strongly urge the School Board to adopt a similar rule.  There is no need for texting while the Board is in session.  Exchanging secretive communications while deliberating is harmful to the democratic process, especially given the ambiguity of text messages when it comes to Florida Public Records law.

If you are unwilling to adopt such a ban, then I believe that it is incumbent on you that you make public after the meeting all text messages sent or received. Perhaps such text messages could become part of the minutes of the meeting. The public has a right to know about your text message communications while you are carrying out your official duties.

Larry Murray

“Illegitimi non carborundum.” -St. Lawrence O’Toole, Bishop of Dublin, and a favorite quote of Jimmy Hoffa
Dr. Larry Murray
Fiscal Watchdog and Citizen Activist
3632 Fox Street
Big Pine Key, FL 33043
(305) 872-3087

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