Letter to the Editor

Perhaps you’ve noticed that Florida Power & Light (FPL) took many years – and had to be forced – to clean up the canals at Turkey Point that it has polluted and that threaten our water supply.

And maybe you’ve noticed that FPL is billing its customers – in advance – to pay for an unneeded nuclear power plant that may never be constructed.

Or that FPL is planning a 24 percent increase in electric rates.

Well now FPL has joined Duke Energy and Tampa Electric in dropping nearly $20 million to convince you to vote for Amendment 1 in November. FPL and other utility companies have worded the amendment so deceptively that people think it’s pro-solar. It’s anything but.

Amendment 1 is a dishonest ploy by utility companies to restrict the growth of solar and to require customers with solar panels to pay higher utility costs. Solar customers could pay double for the same power that non-solar customers receive.

Reputable studies show that solar customers provide a net-benefit for any utility and its rate payers because solar produces power that utilities don’t have to generate. The large monopoly utilities want to limit customer-owned solar and use false claims to charge unfair fees and penalties for solar customers. This will make solar more expensive, limit its expansion and hurt consumers by depriving them of ways to lower their electric bill.

Solar is one of the best ways to save money and people all over the country are doing just that. Florida is well positioned to add thousands of rooftop solar panels throughout the Sunshine State, which ranks 4th in the country in the amount of useable sunlight for solar. But, because the utilities have already restricted the growth of solar installations, Florida ranks only 14th in the amount of installed solar. That puts us behind sunny New Jersey.

Don’t vote to let the utilities permanently restrict solar. Vote No on Amendment 1 in November so that Florida can become a solar industry leader with thousands of good jobs and money-saving solar panels.


Michael Welber

Executive Director

Solar Education Association of the Florida Keys

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