Call for Holiday Fest 2020 Event Listings

Each year, in anticipation of the month-long, island-wide Key West Holiday Fest, the Key West Lodging Association “bundles” a broad assortment of festive happenings onto their dedicated website so that locals and visitors alike can plan their revelries in advance. While Holiday Fest 2020 will be unlike previous years, and of necessity down-scaled due to COVID-19, the holidays are important for people of all ages and so a number of Holiday Fest public events will be taking place – just differently and smaller this year in order to have as safe an environment as possible for all to enjoy.

All Key West businesses, organizations, entertainers, clubs, and groups that are planning holiday events in an environment that adheres to meticulous COVID-19 safety standards are invited to submit your event for possible inclusion in the Key West Holiday Fest calendar of events. It is understood that all 2020 events are subject to cancellation/change due to COVID circumstances and this will be clearly stated on the Key West Holiday Fest website. For consideration, send your event title/description and producer name to [email protected], and include date, hours, location, contact name, contact email, contact phone number and website url.


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