Astrologically Yours

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Aries: Find something physical and possibly creative to do that gives you personally full credit for the project. Work alone, and put on your thinking cap, maybe some good music. Instant cure for the blues, gets those idealistic juices flowing.

Taurus: The whole world loves a lover. This is your time to rock on that feel good kind of energy. Do something fun and entertaining. Power in numbers, so the more the merrier unless it’s romantic intimacy you are after. Enjoy!

Gemini: Never underestimate the power of the Group Mind it can and is a real asset when used like “the band of the hand” where everyone actively participates working toward the good of all. Open communication is key, scheduling that necessity.

Cancer: Expectations, personal priorities, goals, responsibilities, controversy, prioritization. What do you really want? Your mind tells you the truth. Are you listening, or are you still playing games with yourself, and others, through osmosis? Not good. Know yourself, act accordingly.

Leo: Strong social and intellectual energies are pushing you to branch out and move forward, clear the past away. Travel is a wonderful way to do this, get rid of the cobwebs, reach for the stars and heal your inner child.

Virgo: Jointly held resources that have not been properly handled or let go of rear their ugly heads. Are you ready to stop “shadow boxing” with yourself over things that are impossible to change or fix? Time to bury the venom.

Libra: Illusion is self-created the power of the mind infinite. What you believe becomes your reality. That does not mean that everyone else perceives it that way. A rude awakening is possible. Take it with a grain of salt; pay attention.

Scorpio: Are we there yet? Depends on your story and how much energy you are putting into making its grand design a priority within the real world. Are you doing the work? If not, you are wasting a most valuable resource.

Sagittarius: Momentarily resting on your laurels is perfectly acceptable unless you get lost there, confused and disoriented, you can allow yourself to become caught up in the quicksand of self-created illusions. Too much of a good thing can destroy everything eventually.

Capricorn: Relax. All that worry won’t change a thing. Stop thought. Check off your list. Obsession is not any better directive to transform than to destroy. Try building consciously instead, giving equal measure to all the elements. Have some fun.

Aquarius: You’ve got a really good project in mind, and like minded people seriously involved. A dream in the making…reread the contract. It’s the little things that always bite hardest later, find them now and smooth sailing is guaranteed ahead.

Pisces: “Dream a little dream for me” If you are not writing, singing, dancing, creating, you must be shopping, socializing, giggling, and planning. Maybe a long distance trip some far away place, where you foresee a wonderful memory in the making?

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