Astrologically Yours

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Aries: Do you really have to be right? Is it ethics or pride? What happens if you disengage? Open your heart, open your mind, see what you find. The power of unconditional love will win every time. Go with the flow.

Taurus: Love is in the air; perhaps a reprieve from a shaky almost hazardous partnership breakup. If you have gotten a second chance at making or keeping your nuptial promises legal, remember; Ask all the right questions, listen well, act accordingly.

Gemini: If you keep on doing the same things, over and over again expect the same results. Why bother getting hostile, angry, or frustrated at others when it is all about your choices, actions, words, and creations? You can’t buy love.

Cancer: You are taking advantage of situations and pretending to feel or be something you are not. Vengeance on innocent people does not make up for rancid actions of others from your past. Wake up. Be open to changing circumstances.

Leo: Doing the research on a project is the right way to go, as is being aware of any kind of discrepancy in the legal jargon. If there seems to be flaws in the initial planning, pay attention to the details.

Virgo: If it don’t come easy, better let it go. there’s no natural flow. Silver tongued Devil’s are born every minute, but so are miracles, and dreams coming true. It is up to you to ferret out the differences. Know yourself.

Libra: Almost unbearably, powerful, attraction, insane feel good vibrations. Does it scare you? Why? Sometimes it’s not intellectual. You have to go with your heart. This can be one of those manifestations. Up to you. Crush it or enjoy the ride.

Scorpio: Chomping at the bit to say or do something, don’t know how to go about doing that, or you already would have. Good soup has to simmer before it is perfect. Bread must rise. Quit your impatience. Waiting is wise.

Sagittarius: You are what and who you think you are. Nothing is created without effort. You can dream all you want, without action nothing happens. It’s a waste of energy to blame others for what you have done to yourself.

Capricorn: Everything would be just fine if everyone would just do what they say they will, wouldn’t it? Unfortunately, humans are free Spirit’s that can never be totally compartmentalized or controlled. Open up let that love light shine down on you.

Aquarius: Your actions and words are a little off kilter, and you are a stickler about control, but everyone knows you mean well. Talk it out. Let them stew, then drain. Smooth sailing ahead if you were paying attention. If not…?

Pisces: Illusions are wonderful especially when you travel with them. Expanding to be someone else is one of your favorite things. Careful not to play too long with fire. You could easily get burned. Captured, exploited, imprisoned, spurned.

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