Astrologically Yours

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Aries: Relax. What are you fighting for or with? Everything in its own good time. Ingredients are never any indication of the finished product, and sometimes, they are deceiving when combined. It is “the end result” that is celebrated and enjoyed.

Taurus: There is so much love around you. Appreciate it, embrace it, and then do whatever you have to do to cut through all that red tape. You don’t have to be cruel, but you do have to be firm.

Gemini: The only fly in the ointment here is a jealous partner. How did you allow someone who has absolutely nothing to do with your business, have so much control over your actions, and decisions? Or, are you blind to that?

Cancer: No matter how you feel, do not allow yourself to vent your anger verbally. Work it out physically. Those words would cost you more than you will ever be able to pay. You have too much to lose to chance it.

Leo: How many investors are there? What kind of contracts? Are all the most important players set into place? It is always the details, get a second opinion, act on your gut instinct. Don’t forget to breathe. Hire that assistant. Proceed.

Virgo: Stop It! You can drive any partnership straight up a wall, or out the door, with all your worries, about the “petty details”. How about just enjoying the closeness of being “One focused mind” together. Relax and pamper each other.

Libra: Health issues, or too much work, and not enough play, can plague you. Chill. You must burrow into your safe space, and pamper yourself for a change. Home is a good place to be and do that. Allow. Process. Recharge.

Scorpio: Powerful messages of transformational changes, healing the past by looking at the big picture, opening your heart, and your mind, to the reality of the things that matter. Moving forward, letting go, putting everything into perspective. Accepting the truth as it is.

Sagittarius: Healing the “heart fires” creating a base, planting seeds, and digging in, by doing what you love, creating what you need, allowing your imagination to run free, healing with the written, and spoken use of words. Opening your heart to love.

Capricorn: Getting involved in your community, making friends, being a part of something greater than yourself, has always been the “best years of your life” you just may have found that “sweet spot” once again. What are you waiting for?

Aquarius: If you want to be involved, you need to open-up. Sometimes it is necessary to shut off the chatter of the “Monkey Mind” and just react with your senses. Act on what you want, reach out, and grab it.

Pisces: Stress is the hardest thing on the body. Trying to maintain control of the people around you through “having their best interests at heart” is not life. It is fantasy. Perfection does not exist. Trying to create it is myth.

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