Astrologically Yours

[email protected] 305-731-6280

Aries: It is best to “bite the bullet” and work through it than to “bite your nose off to spite your face” make the plan, create that website, travel and teach. Research competitive rates, get involved creating your own success story.

Taurus: Ah, love, generosity, magnetic attraction, chaos, surrender, and control. Take a moment before you sign on the dotted line. Have you considered exactly where the future is headed? There are some significant signs that you ignoring think.

Gemini: What “is” the illusive dream? Why are you chasing it? Where will it lead you if you find it? Ground yourself in the body before you ask yourself these questions. What are you trying to create, passion, or ultimately destruction?

Cancer: Healing takes place when you give up the need to control. How much is enough? What does your heart say? “The truth will set you free” only if it is from both sides, otherwise, you will have to prove it.

Leo: Let’s talk about forgiveness. Can you? If not, you are the one who will be scarred for life. Having everything you’ve ever wanted is not enough, especially, if the price is self-destruction, instead of transformational. Cooperation is needed. overall.

Virgo: Real love is not an illusion. It is strong enough to hold you, gentle enough to bend, tough enough to stand up for you to the very end. Accepting, expanding, growing, continuously, supportive. If it’s real. There are no questions.

Libra: If you cannot “see” yourself, the way you really are; you can never create the you, that you wish to become. The mirror “is” your friend. Even when it shows you your weaknesses it does this, so you can “fix” them.

Scorpio: We grow strong and resilient through controversy. Situations and people that force us to be our very best “are” our greatest teachers. Although, you may not appreciate it is a trial, that does bring out the very best in you.

Sagittarius: You really do want to help other people, and you do love to give everything you’ve got to that effort. If you don’t take care of your own base first, you will be unable to help anyone, including yourself. Know this.

Capricorn: Some problems with authority figures not seeing eye to eye with the way you handle projects possibly, questioning your modes of taking actions now asking permission later, directives. Showing some respect and sensitivity by sharing ideas first can fix this.

Aquarius: If you are recklessly thoughtless in your actions someone may come along as an authority figure that shows you just how powerful gentleness and generosity can be in creating powerfully healing and lucrative situations for all concerned. Pay attention.

Pisces: Ignoring the inevitable will not make it go away, or disappear. You must bite the bullet and follow through on your commitments. Doing it consciously and with love “Is” the best way. Learning from your mistakes instead of avoiding them.

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