Astrologically Yours

[email protected] 305-731-6280

Aries: Growth depends upon being in the right medium. When a plant becomes root-bound there is no growth, if it is not moved, it becomes twisted. Then, literally choked to death by its own roots, and need for expansion.

Taurus: Loads of opportunity around you. Are you taking advantage of them, seriously following leads, and enjoying the journey? Nothing “just” happens, it is your choice to “work it” or not. An operation may become necessary, don’t procrastinate, follow through.

Gemini: You are putting all of your eggs in one basket. Know that you are in the deficit. There are no winners or losers in the game of life. It is judged simply by the integrity by which it is played.

Cancer: Change comes, it is better to work with the energies positively, than it is to fight them. It is in your best interests to let go. It is the memory and not the reality, you are resisting, or held by.

Leo: Consistency in your work, art, craft, profession, along with your talent for taking the right actions in a timely manner, insuring your base, even though, you look to the future in the now of the moment, creating the dream of tomorrow.

Virgo: If you don’t “know” what you want the chances of your getting it are pretty dim. Take a moment to tie up those loose ends of procrastination. Focus on your base. What is it that you really want to manifest?

Libra: Thought, action, feeling, building, dreaming, nothing is ever created that will stand the test of time, without this base formula. Are you living it? All work and no play, makes one into a dull clone and not a living entity.

Scorpio: Words have ultimate power only if they are delivered. If you think and do not speak, who hears you? Being angry about things that aren’t done is ludicrous, if you do nothing, unless, of course, you are a tree.

Sagittarius: Have you looked in a mirror lately? I mean the window of your Soul. The projection that everyone else sees, that obviously “you” do not. Erratic action based on fictional information always fails. Who are you in reality, this matters?

Capricorn: Alignment, co-operation, common goals, and objectives. You will get more accomplished on a personal or group effort with honey, than you ever will with aggressive conflict. You have the need to succeed, understand that you are not alone in this.

Aquarius: Fighting change and not winning is a total waste of energy. Better to join in the group full heartedly even if you can’t be in control. The interaction and sense of being a part of the greater whole “is” the journey.

Pisces: Beating yourself to death subconsciously over things you have either said, done, or thought is a cop out. You are who you are, move forward into it, act according you may discover that you are your own worst critic, adjust.

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