Astrologically Yours

[email protected] 305-731-6280

Aries: Your voice is your greatest gift, expound upon it, allow yourself to be heard. People believe in you and are supportive, in ways you can only imagine. Believe in yourself as much as they believe in you. Attend the details.

Taurus: It feels right, it sounds right, the physical and mental elements blend perfectly, you have waited a long time for this kind of joining. Don’t allow fear to rain on your parade. Embrace the goodness, you have earned the joy.

Gemini: “Back in the saddle again” the cutting-edge element that you love so well. Competition in words, really? No one can handle this kind of aggression better than you. Go for the gold, it’s there for the taking and enjoying.

Cancer: New love, new creations, new perspective on life, your world is opening up, walking your own kind of talk, to your own rhythm. Remember to take care of your health and body while you are doing all this.

Leo: What brings you joy and happiness? The outer world may pale to your home and intimate relationships, those “key” people who are important to you and best of all love. You see it all around you, embrace it and enjoy.

Virgo: At some point it comes down to what you really value the most. Look around you; What “Is” that exactly? Caught up in the details, you may have forgotten about life. It’s time to remember who you are. Wake up!

Libra: This is the best years of your life as long as you can balance that tight rope you are walking named communication “Careful of your words, make them nice and sweet, cause someday your words, you may have to eat.”

Scorpio: This is your time of the year so get out and make some noise, or at the very least, use that voice to promote yourself by asking for exactly what you need or want. The chances are very good that you will get it.

Sagittarius: Karma comes to town, hard time putting it all together, why try? You will simply drive yourself crazy trying to make mountains out of mole hills, better to just do whatever it takes to make it all better, then move on.

Capricorn: It’s tough to not be over bearing when you know everything, however, you must try, if not, there are those who will work behind the scenes to stop you, or put you in the place that they think you should be. Compromise is golden.

Aquarius: Busy, busy, busy, and loving it all. So many things to do, people to see, ‘tis the season. Add to it the flavor and the color of so many personalities, and you are most assuredly in your element. Don’t forget to wind down occasionally.

Pisces: Your imagination should be taken to its limit, do not waste its power, use it. There are as many options and ways to go with your ideas as there are stars in the sky. If not now, when? Introduce the world to your brain children.

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