Astrologically Yours

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Aries: Compromise is not a word that you swallow easily, it is important that you consider the problems that can and most probably will occur, if you do not take this notion seriously. There is much to gain, or lose.

Taurus: You must understand this; life is to be shared with others, you do not own them. If you insist on being overbearing, demanding, or having your own way, at their expense, expect the ending to be brutal.

Gemini: You will not allow anyone to dominate, control, manipulate, nor threaten you financially, emotionally, or verbally, retaliating in your own way, the ending will be final. It won’t even be personal, it’s just business, as far as you’re concerned.

Cancer: Confusion clears away once you make the decision to do what is best for you. You have tried to talk it out, the result, a threat to your security, and irrational demands, that cannot be resolved. The future looks bright.

Leo: There is a threat to the things that you value the most in the whole world, making you angry, acting negatively, not doing well being on the defensive. There is no room left for tenderness. They will not win.

Virgo: You may be able to negotiate if they will come clean, stop trying to play two sides toward the middle. If they do not concede, you will lose all patience, have no mercy in the process. The duplicity must stop!

Libra: I have nothing to say, it won’t matter to you anyway. You have already made up your minds, and are frankly driving me mad, and blind. What do think you will find up ahead when you are so stubborn.

Scorpio: It is better to go with the flow, instead of worrying about the future, try enjoying the ride. It will be much more relaxing, magnetizing the right situations and people into your life at the right time.

Sagittarius: Detach from your feelings. You need to make some serious decisions and take calculated actions in your personal business. Be cautious of the people you talk to, as well as what you give away.

Capricorn: Be careful of your wording in intimate situations, they can be misconstrued, or used against you in ways that are hurtful to the people that you love, specifically children, or new romances.

Aquarius: Time to get serious about your conversations, it may take some real strategic work, as well as some strenuous mental aerobics, to get exactly what you are trying to say across. It is important that you do your best.

Pisces: Partnerships are not over, there is way too much invested, just to let go and walk away. You must do whatever it takes, to insure the stability of what you have built together. No holds barred strategy is necessary.

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