Astrologically Yours

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Aries: If you are experiencing frustrated, angry, ego centered feelings right now, you might consider finding some physical work to do that also engages all the senses. Stay focused, wear that confrontational, argumentative, obsessive, behavior out, and feel good about it.

Taurus: You have too much love in your life to be feeling so blue, or dull and gray in a crowd, while everyone around you seems to be dancing in the light of rainbow colors, be gentle with yourself, and kind.

Gemini: Life’s too short to live it from the side lines. If this is what is happening to you, examine your most intimate relationships for a clue. Sharing space is one thing, being emotionally manipulated or controlled is not acceptable behavior.

Cancer: Do not allow yourself to be forced into making any decision. Slow down, detach, and cool off, negotiations must be handled with a clear head, read the fine print, listen, keep an open mind, before taking any action.

Leo: You should have some victory within your grasp to show the world just what you are capable of, and how serious you are about your creative brainchildren. Satisfying friendships, easy financial give and take, acceptance, doing what you love.

Virgo: “You won’t back down” Your dreams will become reality, as you push them to the limits of even your expectations. You flex your mental muscles favorably, in the realms of business corporations, that count strategically, you know your own worth.

Libra: Try to get out into your community and attend some music, poetry, or art exhibits, gatherings, or concerts. There seems to be an opening, for greater than usual immersion, and understanding within the senses, a need to create, maybe.

Scorpio: Take a road trip, a long drive, a walk about, triggers happen in the oddest places. Circumstances that have been ongoing have reached their boiling point. To be aware is to experience. You’ve been on emotional cruise control for awhile.

Sagittarius: You cannot escape the “mirror” in another, that shows you your “true” self. It can be terrifying, or liberating. The choice is yours. Will you lead, follow, or get the hell out of your own way? Only you can say.

Capricorn: Attention! Face forward! You cannot live in the past, there is no future in it. Stop feeling guilty. Talk it out. Relationships, are never one sided. Practical matters are important. Time for you to shine, expand, and build.

Aquarius: You’ve found your group, evolve in it, through integration. It is a learning process, and one you asked for. Are you getting what you wanted? Looks like it. Express yourself creatively. Mostly, just enjoy the experience of being unconditionally you.

Pisces: You are Chameleon; continually changing to everyone. This is how you present yourself. It’s your nature. A kaleidoscope of multi-faceted flickering Mermaid shades, that are experienced inwardly, but never held intimately, by anyone for very long. You’re projecting your Soul.

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