Letter To Editor

On behalf of the Board of Directors and Staff at Crane Point Museum & Nature Center, I want to publicly offer a thank you to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department and specifically, Lieutenant James Sheagren, Site Commander, for the help we received this week to trim overhanging trees along approximately one mile of trails.

This was hard work and the team did a wonderful job of completing the task.

Lt. Sheagren was right in there working alongside the men with tools in hand.  The job was completed in one day, and we are extremely grateful for your help.  The men were very courteous and worked hard.

The assistance offered to local non-profits from the Sheriff’s Department is very valuable and enables organizations such as Crane Point to reduce costs on various projects.

Thank you, Sheriff Ramsay, Lt. Sheagren and each of the workers who helped us accomplish this daunting task.  Keep up the great work you do for all of Monroe County.

Loretta Geotis

Director of Operations

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