Reader Comment: Key West Lou / “Private Prisons”

By Ericka Biddle

The “prison industrial complex”, wait, it’s even worse… the “for-profit, corporate, prison industrial complex” is evil AND it’s systemic. This is federal. It won’t be changed by voting (all the [s]elected officials are Elite-aligned to their corporate masters and are duopoly puppets.) It won’t be changed by petitioning. It won’t be changed by protest.

Anything and everything that is evil/profit-motivated corporate-centric/illegal/treasonous done at the federal level (and also somewhat at the state level, depending on the state) will require some sort of citizen revolt and takeover, or it will just keep getting worse. For example, with an economic collapse will come exponentially expanded debtor’s prisons.

What will it take to change this?

…citizens in control of our own governance.

Currently, citizens have no representatives (the representatives all represent their corporate masters.) So, currently, there is no effective mechanism to change this. Like fracking and GMO labeling and military spending – it makes no difference that 80% of ordinary citizens are against the corporate privatized for-profit prison system.

What could possibly -quickly- transform our government into a true “government of the people”, in control of our own governance? What could possibly cause massive systemic change where the net result would be getting only ordinary citizens into all positions of governance, and blocking the Elite’s control. – which is what it WILL take to change this.

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