Beware of the explosive nose growth of the perpetrators of this report. Let us consider the unnecessary and extravagant new city hall, the also unnecessary handicapped access to the firefighters’ living quarters above the also-new fire hall, the installation of coconut palms along the full length of N. Roosevelt Blvd., which will require constant maintenance, pruning, and removal of coconuts, awarding the trash removal to the high bidder, all this and many more burdens to be born by the local taxpayers.
Wherever, one wonders, is the fiscal responsibility cited in the report?
Beware of the explosive nose growth of the perpetrators of this report. Let us consider the unnecessary and extravagant new city hall, the also unnecessary handicapped access to the firefighters’ living quarters above the also-new fire hall, the installation of coconut palms along the full length of N. Roosevelt Blvd., which will require constant maintenance, pruning, and removal of coconuts, awarding the trash removal to the high bidder, all this and many more burdens to be born by the local taxpayers.
Wherever, one wonders, is the fiscal responsibility cited in the report?