Columnist responds


A few days ago, an article I wrote regarding Sweden and Muslims appeared in E-Blast. A Ms. Elizabeth Fondelius wrote a very critical email concerning the article. She charged flagrant inaccuracies, false representations, and straight out make believe Disney style. All of which are without basis.

Ms. Fondelius challenged me to set forth the references and sources used in composing the article. I am happy to do so. With one admonition. The following are a small number of the sources relied on. All via Internet research. They are representative, however. Total research involved 10-12 hours.

The article contained several thrusts. One was the Muslim immigration in recent years and its effect on Sweden. Another concerned the abnormal number of rapes which have spiked since the Muslim immigration. Another involved Sweden’s “neutrality” in World War II which upon close inspection proves to be false. Sweden did business (especially in iron ore) and provided use of its railroad lines to Germany.

Certain of the research titles speak for themselves.

Muslim Population in Sweden and Denmark Doubled In 14 Years, The Muslim Issue, 10/8/12

Sweden: Somali Muslims Protest Against ‘Injust’ Welfare System and Demand “We Want More”, The Muslim issue, 10/29/12

‘Youth Rioting’ in Sweden? It’s the Muslims, Stupid, WNP, Jerome R. Corsi, 5/25/13

Islam in Sweden, Wikipedia, 1, 6, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3

Muslim Rape Wave in Sweden,, Fjordman

Somali Muslim Who Raped Dead Swedish Woman Won’t Be Deported, Frontpage Mag, Daniel Greenfield, 12/3/13

Sweden: Patriots Take to Streets to Protect Stockholm From Muslim Rioters, Islamization of the World / Bare Naked Islam, 12/3/13

Video: Twelve Muslims Gang Raped Swedish Mother in Refugee Camp (7 hours non-stop), The White Register

Muslims Rape Over 300 Swedish Children and 700 Women in First 7 Months of 2013, The Muslim Issue. 10/13/13

Rape in Sweden, Wikipedia

Swedes in World War 2, Wikipedia

The (Not So) Neutrals of World War II, The New York Times, Roger Cohen 1/26/97

I could attack as Ms. Fondelius has and demand in return her references and sources. I am happy to receive them if she is able to provide them. A kindlier way of handling the situation would be in Key West style. A cup of coffee together to discuss our positions. If Ms. Fondelius is so inclined, I suggest she contact KONK Life offices.

Ms. Fondelius claims dual citizenship. The U.S. and Sweden. So what?  I have dual citizenship also. My mother was born in Italy. I have never formalized the Italian citizenship. The dual citizenship does not ipso facto make me an Italian expert.

Perhaps Ms. Fondelius has not visited Sweden in the last 5-6 years when other than World War II events, the matters discussed occurred. Perhaps she is merely of Swedish extraction. Whatever, and most respectfully, she does not know what she is talking about.

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