By Dear Editor


Roger Kostmeyer

The world is a long way from a deal with Iran that would avoid war, a nuclear Islamic Republic and a nuclear arms race that would spread like wildfire across the M.E.  But failure to make a good faith effort to support a diplomatic solution, would be both irresponsible and stupid of leaders of all countries – especially Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US.


As usual, the people whose lives would be changed dramatically are ahead of their leaders.  Iran’s economy and employment numbers are in shambles and Iranians are suffering, while Americans are sick of war and of throwing more lives and treasure into the maw of another Middle East conflict.


War and tough talk are easy for old male politicians, supported by their military-industrial backers, who send others to die; but peace and diplomacy are hard and thankless tasks.  Yet there’s no doubt about which course history and humanity demands, nor the importance of a nation rising above politics to achieve unity behind a verifiable, nuclear-free and mutually beneficial peace.

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