City Commissioner Jimmy Weekley was surprised with a special honor during this week’s commission meeting: He was awarded the John Land Years of Service Award by the Florida League of Cities in recognition of his unselfish commitment to municipal leadership and governance.

Commissioner Gregory Davila, Vice Mayor Sam Kaufman, Commissioners Mary Lou Hoover, Jimmy Weekley, Clayton Lopez, and Billy Wardlow.

The award recognized the level of commitment it takes to serve for 30 years as an elected official in a community.

“Several terms in office is the highest compliment voters give to an elected official,” reads the award, “and with these years of experience comes a strengthening of wisdom, discernment and strong leadership skills that brings tremendous value to the municipal governments of Florida.”

Weekley has served the City – as mayor and as a commissioner – for 30 years.

“This is really an honor,” said an emotional Weekley. “Who would have ever imagined I’d be around this long. It’s truly something I enjoy doing. It’s the community that raised me and it’s my way of giving back.”

Weekley thanked the community for putting their trust in him for all of these years.

“I hope I’ve improved the quality of life for residents and left a lasting impression of what good government should be about, as well as a model for the youth of this community.”

He also thanked the League of Cities and all of the commissioners he has worked with during his three decades on the dais.

The Florida League of Cities Award is named for John Land, the mayor of Apopka between the years of 1949 and 2014; “a leader whose dedication is unsurpassed at the national and state levels, and who modeled the way for decades of municipal leaders.”

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