
By Fred C. Klein

orig_blog_4098_0.jpg (653×800)Last week’s “10/10 Egg Cream Club” blog was about (U-Bet) chocolate egg creams which I love. Thus, I was very surprised by the number of comments favoring vanilla egg creams. Truth be told, I had never heard of a vanilla egg cream.

Especially so, as Vanilla is described as “very plain and unexciting.”

Once I started thinking about it, I recalled that when I was young I only scoffed chocolate ice cream, but over the years I have moved on to appreciating the subtle flavor of vanilla ice cream.

Then I thought about my delicious daily Oui vanilla yogurt.

All in all, at the next 10/10 Egg Cream Club meeting, I’m going to try a vanilla egg cream and I’m sure I’ll like it!

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