Key West Police Detectives on Friday night made the first arrest of an Uber driver since city officials warned the illegal drivers about possible arrest.

The City issued a final warning to all unlicensed passenger vehicle-for-hire drivers that, beginning July 1st, illegal drivers would risk arrest if they persisted in driving without the licenses required by a year-old city ordinance. Despite the warning, complaints continued that Uber drivers were picking up fares from the Key West Airport.

Detectives were able to corroborate the complaint and arrange an undercover ride. Uber driver Martin Drew Maness picked up undercover detectives just outside of the Key West Airport, delivering them to the Reach Hotel.


Mannes, 51, was arrested for operating a vehicle for hire without the required city permits. Following his arrest, Mannes told detectives that he was aware that driving for Uber violates city laws and that he would be arrested if he continued to act as an Uber driver. Maness said the money was worth the risk.

Operating without the required licenses is against the law and punishable as a second degree misdemeanor, which is subject to a fine up to $500 and/or up to 60 days in jail.

In June, city officials warned unlicensed drivers that they would be risking arrest. The City Commission approved an ordinance a year ago that requires such a license. The City launched an education campaign to make drivers aware of the law. In December and January, after repeated complaints, three unlawful Uber drivers were cited.

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