The Konk Life Candidate Questionnaire: Ron Saunders

Former State Representative Ron Saunders is running for election as Monroe County Clerk of the Court after serving as the agency’s Legal Counsel for three years.

Saunders, a Democrat, is running against Republican Kevin Madok, who defeated incumbent Clerk Amy Heavilin in the Republican primary election.

Saunders, 61, took on the post of Legal Counsel in June 2013 to supervise the 63 employees in the Courts and Recording divisions and handle all legal matters for the Clerk’s office. He left the office in June 2016 before he qualified to run for Clerk.

Saunders is a fifth-generation Key West native and served for 14 years as State Representative for House District 120, which included all of Monroe County and parts of south Miami-Dade. He was selected as House Democratic Leader and served as Chair of the Appropriations Committee which oversees the state budget.

The Monroe County Clerk of the Court is charged with overseeing records for local courts, along with Monroe County government and official records, and serves as the Comptroller and Auditor of county expenditures.

Here are our 15 questions and the candidate’s responses:

Konk Life: In 20 words or less, let our readers know why you believe you would make an excellent County Clerk over your rival.

I will have no conflicts of interest and will be a strong independent watchdog of our county tax dollars.

Konk Life:  What are the top four factors you believe in particular qualify you for the position of County Clerk over the assets of the other candidate?

Leadership- I have held numerous leadership roles from chairing the Florida Keys Community College Board of Trustees to serving as the Florida House Minority Leader. The ability to lead is important as the Clerk’s office has 96 employees in 3 locations. While working at the Clerk’s office, I supervised 63 employees. While working at his current county job which pays over $100,000 per year, my opponent doesn’t supervise a single employee.

Impartiality- As a state legislator, I had a reputation for being fair, impartial, and able to work with people of all political parties. My opponent got a newly created high-paying county job 4 years ago in which he claims to have been the consultant for every county department and function.

The Clerk is responsible for reviewing and approving every proposed expenditure of the county before payment. How will my opponent be impartial in reviewing county actions by the people who gave him a job or whose work he consulted on?

Legislative Experience- As a state legislator, I served on the committee that oversees state funding for Clerks. I will use my contacts and experience to work to restore funding cuts that Clerks have taken in recent years. This will help give adequate salaries and benefits to the Clerk’s employees, which will help retain trained staff and reduce turnover. My opponent has stated that a Clerk cannot speak individually to legislators which is untrue as former Clerk Danny Kolhage often requested my assistance as his legislator on issues affecting the Clerk’s office.

Communication Ability- An effective Clerk must be able to communicate well with staff, the public, the courts, attorneys, Realtors and law enforcement. I am known as a skilled communicator.

Konk Life: What is your personal view on the state of the nation in this particularly interesting political season?

Our nation is strong and will survive this ugly campaign season.

Konk Life:  Given your unusually wide experience of governance in Southeast Florida, are you optimistic about relations between the public and the powers that be?

No- political issues are becoming more polarized and partisan leading the public to be more discouraged than ever about politics.

Konk Life: Do you feel the general tenor of political discourse is becoming less polite in our county or staying about the same?

Less polite- just watch the presidential campaign.

Konk Life: Aside from maintaining the records of a court and administering oaths to witnesses, jurors and grand jurors, how else in your view does the clerk of the court most powerfully perform the position’s duties?

One of the duties of the Clerk that is most important to voters is to review and approve all expenditures of the county before payment. Unlike my opponent, I will have no potential conflicts of interest and will be a strong independent watchdog of our county tax dollars.

Konk Life: From your personal experience, does a generally peaceable outlook in the Keys depends upon a measure of control over the number of our visitors and residents?

Yes, our resources must be adequate to meet demand.

Konk Life: What do you personally love most about Monroe County and the Florida Keys?

The people of the Keys have a great “Live and Let Live” attitude.

Konk Life: What troubles you the most about today’s Monroe County and the Florida Keys?

The high cost of living, particularly property taxes and insurance.

Konk LifeWhat planning or political mistakes do you happen to think were the worst to be made over the past 10 years?

Pedestrian crosswalks were poorly planned and will result in deaths if not changed.

Konk Life: Who is favorite character in the history of the keys?

Ernest Hemingway

Konk Life: Who is your least favorite character?

The slow driver in the passing lane.

Konk Life: What is your favorite book?

To Kill a Mockingbird

Konk Life: What is your favorite movie? Casablanca

Konk Life: What is your favorite quote?

Treat people the way you want to be treated.


Thank you for completing this season’s Konk Life Candidate Questionnaire.

Please answer each question in turn by number and send your responses by e-mail to:  [email protected]

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