The City Commission reaffirm the City’s official philosophy “One Human Family

Commissioner Romero:

I was delighted to see the City Commission reaffirm the City’s official philosophy “One Human Family!” For 16 years, these 3 words have traveled around the world inspiring people to support unity, equality and diversity. I get letters from underground Christian churches in Pakistan, lesbian rights activists in Scotland, and even an 11-year-old girl in Virginia who wrote that using One Human Family, she (singlehandedly) was “going to end racism.” Amy Culver (Mangoes) took OHF to the Datoga tribe in the middle of the Sahara Desert and totally changed their world view they had held for over 3,500 years, from being separate from everyone else… to being geographically isolated, but a part of everyone else! A huge accomplishment!
And that message has repeated over 2.5 million times worldwide… with the KW City Commission’s unanimous vote in 2000 showing our island’s resolute dedication to uniting all people as one.
With politics so divided, I applaud Commissioner Kaufman for proposing the City reaffirm our belief in unity… we need unity now
more than ever.
But when you had the chance to stand with the members of our community and stand with your fellow City Commissioners, you chose to NOT reaffirm human unity, saying you worried that “supporting each other” might cost the City a dollar and voted against our God-given unity. So we should NOT support each other?
I am astonished that you, a woman and a minority member, would oppose unity, equality and diversity… voting against your own interests! And with the flimsiest of all reasons… ‘supporting each other might cost us something.’ Really? A budget question existing only in your imagination convinced you to vote against uniting all people? Shameful. You put imaginary money concerns ahead of human unity.
Even if supporting people DID cost the City a buck or two, would that not be a wise use of funds? Is not ‘supporting people’ a fundamental part of your job as City Commissioner? Yes, it is. But you chose to not do that.
Sadly, the official record now shows your support for human unity so weak that you made up an imaginary budget question to allow you to vote against one of Key West’s brightest moments on the world stage.
You had a chance to stand with the citizens you are paid to represent and to stand with the City Commission you are paid to serve on – and you made up a nonexistent money concern to vote against all of them.
To be clear, One Human Family has never cost the City of Key West a single cent. It is funded 100% by donations. And it has helped our island’s image (and our economy) by showing potential visitors our beloved island’s dedication to unity and equality.
Your unfounded concern prevented the City’s reaffirmation of our official philosophy from being unanimous, as it should have been. You could have voted for unity now, and if a budget question arose some day, vote on that later.
I thank The Creator that our Mayor and other City Commissioners stood up for what is right without manufacturing concerns to defeat such a beneficial and worthwhile statement.
You will be in my prayers, Commissioner Romero, hoping that the light and truth of our human unity, equality and diversity will enter your heart and allow you to stand up for what is right for the people of Key West – and the world – without unjustifiably worrying it will cost us a penny.
JT Thompson
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