Short Answers

By Jeff Johnson and Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
I recently got engaged and am planning my wedding for January 2019. The guest list hasn’t been determined and we don’t really even know how many people we will invite. The other day, a co-worker asked me if I was going to invite her (which seemed rude and premature) and that if I wasn’t, would it be okay if she came and she would pay whatever the per person cost would be for her and her boyfriend. I was a bit dumbfounded and kind of stammered “yes” because I didn’t know what to say. Now I regret saying that and I’m not sure what to do. Do I have to officially “dis-invite” her or should I just ignore her when the invitations go out. And one more question — isn’t this a bit weird? Have you ever heard of such a thing?
What’s Happening?

Dear What:
We don’t know how these things got so “transactional” but it needs to stop. It’s weird and you should invite who you want to invite.


Dear Short Answers:
I am working with a non-profit group in my town that is driving me batty. I believe in the work that the group does, but I can’t stand the politics, the meetings, the bickering and indecisiveness. Is this common in non-profit organizations or is this one especially dysfunctional?
Getting Crazy

Dear Crazy:
The thing about For-Profit companies is that their goals are relatively unambiguous. The thing about Not-For-Profits, in our experience, is that there is ambiguity under every rock. Dysfunctional? Organizations are like families. To paraphrase Tolstoy, “Functional organizations are functional in the same ways — dysfunctional ones are all quite unique.”


Dear Short Answers:
What’s the right amount of time to start dating again after a very nasty break-up? My friends tell me to slow down — but I think I’m ready!! (It’s only been a couple of months). What do you think?
Ready to Roll

Dear Ready:
The right time is whenever you think it’s right — go girl!


Dear Short Answers:
My wife and I are both in our 40s and have had a great marriage for the past 12 years. I recently decided that I wanted to get a tattoo. I can’t explain why, I just do. The problem is that my wife hates tattoos and refuses to allow me to get one. I’m torn between doing what I want (I’m a grown man for goodness sake) and respecting my wife’s wishes. Where does one draw the line in a relationship? Is she being overly controlling? Or I am being inconsiderate and selfish?
Wannabe Me

Dear Wanna:
Sometimes it’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission.


Dear Short Answers:
What is the right thing to do if you find a hair in your food at a restaurant? Even if the food is cooked so probably not harmful? I say just ignore it but my girl friend freaks out and demands a refund. What do you think?

Dear SJW:
We agree it is kind of gross. Just send the food back to the kitchen. No need for a meltdown.

Life is complicated.  “Short Answers” isn’t.

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