Short Answers

By Jeff Johnson and Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
I am dating two guys at the same time. At first, it was just for fun, nothing serious. But, lately they’ve both been hinting towards wanting something more. And I have been feeling the same way — about both of them. They’re both equally sweet, charming, and handsome. But they both appeal to different sides of me (one is more athletic/sporty, the other is more artsy/chill). How do I choose? And how do I let the other one down easy?
Double Trouble

Dear Double:
You don’t have to choose now just because they want you to. Tell them you are not quite ready for an exclusive relationship. Tell each of them the truth — and why you value him. Should work for awhile.


Dear Short Answers:
I absolutely hate going to parties and had the bad luck to fall in love with a guy who LOVES parties. I prefer a quiet dinner with a couple of friends and maybe a movie or TV. Todd prefers a noisy crowd with lots to drink. I’ve tried but I can’t bear the noise, the smoking, the drinking and the boring small talk for more than an hour. I typically leave well before Todd does. I tell him to go by himself but he refuses. Do I really HAVE to go to parties? I think it will be the end of our relationship if I do.
Todd’s GF

Dear GF:
We think a little give and take is called for. You do need to figure out how to have a social life together if it is important to him and he is important to you. Try having a smaller group to your place and take it one step at a time.


Dear Short Answers:
If you sit next to a person on an airplane who has terribly bad breath (and refuses to stop talking to you), is it rude to tell them? Or are you being kind by helping them avoid an even more unpleasant encounter with somebody else?
It Was Really Bad

Dear Bad:
Your logic is flawless but we can’t imagine how it could be executed with kindness. Unless of course, your seatmate is your spouse.


Dear Short Answers:
I share an office with a girl at work who used to be a fairly good friend but now I absolutely can’t stand to be around her. She talks to me all day long, bothers me when I’m trying to concentrate and is a general pain in the butt. I’ve talked to HR but they say that we essentially have the same job and therefore have to share an office. I don’t want to push it because I really like this job — other than having to share an office with this idiot. How do I get her to stop annoying me?
So Done With Her

Dear Done:
Don’t answer her, tell her you need to concentrate and wear earplugs. That should do it.


Dear Short Answers:
How do birds know when to migrate?

Dear Brrr:
Same as us — when they get cold.

Be firm, keep smiling, say what you mean and mean what you say.

Life is complicated.  “Short Answers” isn’t.

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