Short Answers

By Jeff Johnson and Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
My best friend lent me his camera so that I could use it on vacation and when I downloaded the photos I had taken, I found some nude shots that he had taken of himself in all sorts of different poses. When I download my vacation photos and delete them on the camera, should I delete the nude photos as well? I am sure that he didn’t realize he had left these photos on his camera and I don’t want to embarrass him. Or would it be wrong to delete photos that aren’t mine?

Dear GQ:
Delete them if it makes you more comfortable but we would not necessarily assume that your friend did not want you to see them.


Dear Short Answers:
I am friends with the staff at a restaurant where I eat probably once a month. I don’t see any of them socially outside of the restaurant unless I happen to run into them. Last weekend, my husband and I were at the restaurant after they closed, and everyone was drinking. One of the servers told us he is getting married, and ended up giving us an invitation that night. I don’t know what to do. I haven’t seen him since, but I’m not even sure if he remembers inviting us. I would be embarrassed to RSVP to the bride’s parents, who are hosting the wedding, if she didn’t know we were invited. I am afraid to ask him about it, because I don’t want him to feel obligated to invite us. Really, I would have been very surprised to receive an invite under sober circumstances, but I like the guy, and would go if it were appropriate. I just have no idea what the polite thing is to do.
A Long Question for a Short Answer

Dear Long:
Send your server a note — at the restaurant if that is the only address you have and tell him you very much enjoyed the chat you had the other evening, that you wish him the best for his forthcoming nuptials but that you cannot attend. If he indeed did inform the brides parents of his spontaneous invite — he will handle it.


Dear Short Answers:
A prominent local politician in my town is getting divorced from his wife. I only know this because he told me (confidentially) that he is putting his house on the market (I am a real estate agent). Elections are coming up soon and I feel that I have an obligation to tell people that his wife is suing him for divorce. I don’t know the circumstances but they could be factors that affect the election. Do I have an obligation to inform the voting public?

Dear Agent:
It is your job to sell the house. Divorce is not a crime and may have little to no impact on a political career. Leave the circumstances to the gossips — no one else cares.


Dear Short Answers:
Is it okay to use body wash on my face when I’m in the shower if there isn’t any face wash handy?

Dear KTG:
This has to be a guy question — and the answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT. Just water is preferable.

Life is complicated.  “Short Answers” isn’t.

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