SHAL Success Stories

Among a number of successes this month:

Despite continued lack of County funding, SHAL was still able to pay for the relocation of two homeless clients to better situations. SHAL Case Manager Channing Lamar coordinated relocating a male client to Tampa with family, while another was helped to get to Broward County to family for mental health treatment.

After 13 years of living on the streets, a male client, with SHAL help, was finally able to get a place with the Housing Authority of Key West where he can work on his own health and well-being.
An injured male client continued to work and still managed to save enough to move into an apartment on Simonton. Another male client has been working security at a high-class hotel and should be getting employee housing by mid-July.

Sister Seasons worked with SHAL Case Manager Amy Yancich to help a male client who had multiple fractures to his ankle. The other agency funded his rent for next two months, while SHAL helped him file for food stamps & Medicaid, helped him apply for unemployment, and provided transportation to doctors. He should be able to return to work at his job in a few more weeks.

SHAL helped a female client get her birth certificate and Florida ID. With an ID, we can now coordinate with dePoo caseworkers to get her into inpatient program in Miami for mental health. And our partner at Project Lighthouse (Florida Keys Children’s Shelter), Jai Summers was again super helpful with some clothing and medical payments, including buying a male client steel-toed
boots for a construction job.

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