WHO:   School Board Members, Executive Leadership Team, the Public, GEMs

WHAT: Board members plan to meet for a site tour of Key West High School’s new Automotive Technical Education Shop, a workshop, and a regular meeting.

District officials plan to discuss potential workforce housing plan to include staff movement to the new Internal Services/Transportation Facility and the exit of employees from the Trumbo Administration building. Executive Director of Assessment and Accountability Dave Murphy will present the 2018-2019 assessment calendar.

Administrators will also report on the Rising Star Summer Program, and the Key West Pump Station plans. The Superintendent will address the board with a Key West High School Facilities Update.

Superintendent Porter said the installation of this new automotive shop is part of the overall expansion of the district’s Career and Technical Education program. “Our Teaching and Learning team has been working diligently over the summer to get this project online for the new school year. This is a welcomed new addition to our Career and Technical Education program. The goal is to continue to provide as many pathways to success for our students upon graduating.”


This is also the first budget hearing of three in the district. Officials will discuss some of the factors contributing to the changes in the budget, one of which a decrease in student enrollment, with officials citing Hurricane Irma as potential reasons for the slight decline. Included in the budget is the proposed millage increase of .0625 for state-mandated school-safety officers that will be presented to voters on August 28th.

Board members will also vote on the following action items: district policies, job descriptions, and the millage resolutions in the district, which include the new millage referendum for safe-school personnel.

WHEN: Tuesday, July 31, 2018

2:45 PM | Key West High School Automotive Technical Education Shop site tour

3:30 PM | Workshop

5:00 PM |Regular Meeting


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