Monroe County Commissioners Urge State Legislature to Support Home Rule Authority

MONROE COUNTY, FL – The Monroe County Commissioners routinely express support for home rule and oppose state legislative efforts that preempt local authority. At Wednesday’s board meeting, the commissioners approved a resolution urging the Florida Legislature to support home rule authority for counties and cities and oppose Senate Bill 426 and House Bill 267, which preempt local government home rule.

The resolution expresses support for home rule, a principle embodied in the Florida Constitution since 1968. Home rule authority allows for local governments to legislate within their jurisdictions to reflect and protect the interests of their respective communities based on the philosophy that the government closest to the people best represents the people.

In recent years, legislature has acted to preempt home rule authority of local governments from legislating on policy areas like vacation rentals, use of single-use plastic bags, and tree trimming.

SB 426 and HB 267 broadly preempt local government regulation of seaports, preempting the authority to regulate port activity to the state. Currently, all 14 ports in Florida, including the Port of Key West, are controlled by local government entities. In Key West, it is the City of Key West.

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